Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pay It Forward DAY / PIF Experience

With the success of "I Am" The Movie…

Pay It Forward Day is FAST approaching. Please see information below. I'd like for PIF to be equally successful, and 'forward' moving… There will be both OUTside & INside venues.

In 2011, participants paid it forward in 35 countrieswith 7 state & 15 city proclamations. For this year’s international Pay it Forward Day (PIFD) we are aiming to inspire over 3 million acts of kindness around the world. Imagine the difference that would make!

Some people call us crazy, we prefer visionaries. The ideology behind “Pay it Forward” allows us the freedom to look at life from a different perspective.
The Goal
Getting bracelets distributed to as many people as possible. With 1-million in circulation throughout 112-countries we’ve made progress. Yet we remain consumed with the idea that 100-million is reachable. Heck did someone say a Billion? Yes, the B-word has been used and we stand behind it!
Universities, corporations, schools, book clubs, back yard parties, sporting events. We want to share the “Pay it Forward” message with everyone. The beauty is in the simplicity, take the challenge: Give away a bracelet after doing a small act of service for a stranger. Warning, this becomes addictive!  We know that changing the world starts with one small act of kindness.  Right now we are waiting for the next amazing person to come into the picture and help make this vision sustainable.
We know that serving others has the power to change.  Real change!  You can make a difference today, no need to be a celebrity or millionaire.  Be the change you want to see in the world.  Understanding that a small act of kindness can shift someones perspective on life is the reality we live in.  Help us share the message, the outcome will give purpose and meaning to everyone involved.

WAI Gear Unlimited supports BOTH "I Am" The Movie & Pay It Forward.  waigear.com    Have a great day!!!

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